Narcotics Anonymous Morocco


It is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs.
The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using. We suggest keeping an open mind and giving yourself a chance.

Recovery is Possible

When we finally realize our inability to function as human beings, with or without drugs, we are all faced with the same dilemma.
What do we do next? It seems there are only two options: continue as best we can toward the inevitable conclusion (prison, hospital, or death) or find a new way to live.

In the past, very few addicts could choose this second option. Today, they have a better chance. For the first time in human history, a simple method has proven effective in the lives of many addicts. It is available to everyone. It is a straightforward spiritual—not religious—program called Narcotics Anonymous.


We don’t want to know what you used, how much, or who supplied it to you. Your past and financial means are not of interest to us. What matters is what you want to do about your problem and how we can help.

Newcomers are the most important people in our meetings because only by helping others can we maintain what has been given to us. Our collective experience has shown that those who attend meetings regularly remain abstinent.

Just for Today

Say to yourself:

  • JUST FOR TODAY my thoughts will focus on my recovery; I will live and enjoy life without using.
  • JUST FOR TODAY I will have faith in someone from NA who believes in me and wants to help me recover.
  • JUST FOR TODAY I will follow a program and do my best to stick to it.
  • JUST FOR TODAY, thanks to NA, I will try to see my life in a better light.
  • JUST FOR TODAY I will not be afraid. My thoughts will focus on my new friends—people who no longer use drugs and have found a new way of life. As long as I follow this path, I have nothing to fear.
Who is an Addict?

Most of us don’t need to ask ourselves this question twice—we know. Our entire lives and all our thoughts revolved around drugs in one way or another: obtaining them, using them, and finding ways to get more. We used to live and lived to use.

An addict is simply a person whose life is controlled by drugs. We are people suffering from a continuous and progressive illness that always ends the same way: in prison, the hospital, or the morgue.