Available Literature
NA literature is also an excellent source of information about our program. The Basic Text (Narcotics Anonymous) or informational pamphlets (IPs) are great starting points.
Informational Pamphlets to Download
Newcomer Materials
- NA White Booklet
- Am I an addict? EN3107
- An introduction to NA meetings – EN3129
- By young addicts for young addicts – EN3113
- For the newcomer – EN3116
- Just for today – EN3108
- Sponsorship – EN3111
- Welcome to Narcotics Anonymous – EN3122
- Accessibility – EN3126
- Another look – EN3105
- For those in treatment – EN3117
- For parents or guardians – EN3127
- Hospitals and institutions – EN3120
- Living the program – EN3109
- Money matters – EN3124
- PI and the NA member – EN3115
- Recovery and relapse – EN3106
- Self acceptance – EN3119
- Staying clean on the outside – EN3123
- The group – EN3102
- The loner – staying clean in isolation – EN3121
- The triangle of self-obsession – EN3112
- Who, what, how, and why? – EN3101
- Working step four in NA – EN3110
Reading Cards
- How it works
- Just for today
- We do recover
- What is the NA program
- Who is an addict
- Why are we here
- 12 Traditions
- 12 Concepts
- An Introductory Guide to Narcotics Anonymous
- Behind the walls
- In times of illness
- NA: A resource in your community
- The group booklet
- Twelve concepts of service
- Working step four in NA
Numerous publications about the NA recovery program are available in the form of leaflets, books, and brochures. The main books include the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous, which contains the principles of NA recovery, the Step Working Guide, and It Works: How and Why, which serve as guides for working the steps through writing. The books are paid for, and the proceeds go toward the functioning of the association. Additionally, in meetings, many free leaflets are available to everyone, such as Recovery and Relapse, Living the Program, and Self-Acceptance.
Books are sold in the meeting rooms after the sessions.
Audio versions of the Basic Text are available on the NA World website on an experimental basis in various languages, including French.