Narcotics Anonymous Morocco

Available Literature

NA literature is also an excellent source of information about our program. The Basic Text (Narcotics Anonymous) or informational pamphlets (IPs) are great starting points.

Newcomer Materials


Reading Cards



Numerous publications about the NA recovery program are available in the form of leaflets, books, and brochures. The main books include the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous, which contains the principles of NA recovery, the Step Working Guide, and It Works: How and Why, which serve as guides for working the steps through writing. The books are paid for, and the proceeds go toward the functioning of the association. Additionally, in meetings, many free leaflets are available to everyone, such as Recovery and Relapse, Living the Program, and Self-Acceptance.

Books are sold in the meeting rooms after the sessions.

Audio versions of the Basic Text are available on the NA World website on an experimental basis in various languages, including French.

Narcotics Anonymous Morocco